As a CASE accreditor it is important to provide a balanced and fair assessment of programmes. To ensure that all accreditations are as equitable as possible there is a tick list on the CASE website to help you consider what to review when the documentation arrives. Remember to check the CASE Handbook, but also the CASE ‘Directory of Courses’ as this will give you an indication of what other CASE accredited programmes offer.
In the document available to download below are some common conditions and recommendations, which might help you when you are undertaking an accreditation event. Using similar terms and phrases might help to ensure more standardisation across events. Remember to make conditions and recommendations clear, as the CASE committee only have the lead accreditor’s report to review when making judgements. Also try not to be too prescriptive, allowing the programme team the opportunity to innovate or determine the best options that also fit with their university processes and requirements.
If you have any questions or concerns during an event, please advise the team that you will have additional conditions/recommendations, but would like to get clarification first. You can contact Gill Harrison for advice or another member of CASE committee if she is unavailable.
Remember also that the Accreditor team should arrange a short call with the Committee before sharing the final recommendations and conditions with the Programme team. The process for this can be found on the Accreditor Guidelines page.
It is recommended that at least one commendation on the course is included in the final report where possible - afterall, it's always nice to get some good feedback!
A commendation can be on any aspect of the course that you would like to praise - whether it's the ingenuity of the course design, the good team spirit of the staff, the dedication to the students or the quality of the course documentation or content.