Focused obstetric courses for 3rd trimester obstetrics, Saving Babies Lives Care Bundle version 2 (SBLCBv2) Issued May 2021
Following in-depth review of CASE processes and requirements for focused course accreditation, the following position statement is issued in relation to Focused Courses in Third Trimester Obstetric Scanning:
CASE accreditation will only be approved for focused courses that specify a clearly defined scope of practice and that require trainees to demonstrate the same level of competency as any other health care professional (HCP) carrying out that same examination. For applications that are technically complex, or where differential diagnosis is required, existing CASE learning outcomes (level 6 / level 7) need to be met. The extent to which this can be delivered and assessed effectively within a Focused Course format is dependent on target course attendants, as well as the technical complexity of the defined area of practice.
Following review of the requirements of the Saving Babies Lives Care Bundle (SBLCBv2), we confirm that Third Trimester Obstetric Scanning will not be considered by CASE as appropriate for delivery by a focused course format due to the breadth and complexity of scanning undertaken in this high-risk context. A formal HEI award is required.
A stand-alone module format (such as a negotiated module) may be suitable for CPD applicants where recruitment is restricted to trainees who can evidence prior knowledge and skills consistent with CASE learning outcomes (level 6 / level 7) in science / professional issues. For example, this may include learners who already hold a formal obstetric ultrasound qualification (or who have completed previous focused training) who wish to develop additional skills in middle cerebral artery (MCA) or uterine artery (UA) Doppler.