Standards & Learning Outcomes

All programmes and courses applying for (re)accreditation are required to evidence their compliance to CASE standards through the following mapping exercises.


1. Mapping of Learning Outcomes

Module and programme learning outcomes should be mapped to the CASE learning outcomes in the document Standards for Sonographic Education to show how these outcomes are met within the programme.The relevant tables from the document are available to download below in Word format for ease of completion.


All programmes are required to map to the appropriate level of CASE learning outcomes from the table below:

CASE Learning Outcomes for Academic Leve[...]
Microsoft Word document [31.9 KB]


Academic level 6 programmes and direct entry level 7 programmes are also required to map to the Standards of Proficiency which are based on HCPC standards*.


Standard of Proficiency - Mapping Table [...]
Microsoft Word document [37.9 KB]

2. Mapping of National Occupational Standards

There are two relevant sets of National Occupational Standards (NOS)** - one for ultrasound imaging and one for interventional ultrasound procedures.


ALL programmes are required to map to the 'Ultrasound Imaging' NOS:

CASE - NOS mapping CI.C.2019.docx
Microsoft Word document [27.9 KB]


Programmes with modules that include interventional procedures will also need to map to the 'Perform Image-Guided Procedure and/or Interventions' NOS:

CASE - NOS mapping CI.I.2019.docx
Microsoft Word document [28.0 KB]


* The Health & Care Professions Council, “Standards of Proficiency - Radiographers.” 2013. [Online]. Available:

** Skills for Health (2019) CI.C.2019 - Perform, interpret and report on ultrasound examinations. [Online]. Available:

Skills for Health (2019) CI.I Perform image guided procedures and/or interventions [Online]. Available:


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