Non-synchronised Events - CASE / University
Issued May 2021
The following statement is issued to clarify the potential impact of a non-synchronous event where a HEI validation event is held separately from a formal accreditation review meeting.
University approval/re-approval events must normally coincide with CASE accreditation/re-accreditation events. Where this is not possible, the CASE event is normally scheduled first. This provides opportunity for any CASE conditions and recommendations to be addressed during the formal internal event.
Where university validation for a programme has already occurred, there may be limited opportunity for programme teams to implement CASE requirements ahead of a scheduled intake. Where substantive changes are required to meet CASE conditions, it may be necessary for the programme to run for the affected academic year without accreditation. Conditions will then need to be addressed through formal internal University processes prior to confirmation of CASE accreditation.
It is the responsibility of the programme team to ensure that, where relevant, students joining the programme are informed that the programme is not CASE accredited for that academic year.
Programme and course accreditation documentation
Following on from the above, Course Leaders should also be made aware of the following statement to reinforce the use of the documentation checklist and to highlight the matter that poor documentation can cause a delay in the process.
CASE accreditors undertake this work in addition to their substantive roles. To ensure timely and effective accreditation processes documentation should be complete, in a logical order with clear indexing and sent in a timely manner. The CASE website has a section ‘Documentation requirements - A checklist for the programme team’ to assist programme teams when preparing for the accreditation.
Inaccurate, incomplete, contradictory or disorganised documentation takes an enormous amount of accreditor time. CASE will no longer be able to review substandard documentation. Programme teams will be asked to follow the guidance and complete the documents to an acceptable standard otherwise, this may delay accreditation.